As a Venturing program that is part of the Scouting America (FKA Boy Scouts of America) Program, annual registration with BSA ​is required in addition to joining the PCSC Crew (AKA Crew 22). BOTH are required to be a part of PCSC.
Both your BSA and PCSC memberships are good for a year (until the end of the 12th month after you join).
Follow the steps below and contact Crew Advisor, Ken Li, to confirm that your registration is complete.

Parents: register online with BSA and pay their annual $85 dues-
New members: New members NOT currently or previously registered in scouts click on Join Crew 22 and select to register your child as Youth. You will be CONCURRENTLY creating a account. If you already have an account, it will recognize that you have one. Please avoid creating a duplicate account for yourself or your child. Contact with any questions.​
Uncheck the box for the subscription for Scout Life magazine unless you want it - you will be charged an extra $15.​
​Renewing members:
1. Log into your account
2. Select my application>my renewals tab upper right
3. Select "renew" next to your child’s name
Pay the $75 annual PCSC membership dues
The Crew dues help to cover our minor costs and to fund our philanthropy.
Please include a detailed memo with the new member's name and the crew year (eg: Jane Doe, dues '24-'25 + $50 FOS donation)
​Payment options:
PayPal (preferred)
send to (this will show that the recipient is Emma Broening);
select "Friends and Family" as payment type so that we receive the full amount
make check payable to “PCSC”
mail or deliver to Elia Kwong, co-VP Accounting (email for address)
send to​
Of the $75, a $50 donation goes to Friends of Scouting (aka FOS) which supports Piedmont Council BSA, our local umbrella organization. The remaining $25 goes to support PCSC and our program.

Fill Out the Medical Forms
A parent or guardian needs to fill out the annual BSA medical forms A & B (3 pages) for youth members
Note: Don't forget to attach a copy of your insurance card! Immunizations can also be printed/attached from your medical provider.
Drop off hardcopies of the completed BSA Medical Forms to Amy Aubrecht, PCSC Adult Lead Volunteer (email for the street address and to coordinate transfer of documents).
Fill out parent interest form and member interest form
We expect every parent to come to at least two events each semester. While our members plan & lead events, all events require some adult supervision for efficiency and safety. Additionally, this allows our members to work with different adults and gives you visibility to the amazing things that we (and your child) do. We think that you will find these experiences rewarding, insightful, and even motivating and inspiring!
The parent interest form is a required part of the registration process and important to PCSCs ongoing initiative that we have parents volunteer and mentor. You can access the form here.
We want to learn about your interests!
Please fill out our interest form, which will inform our VPs what events to put on so you can get the most out of being a part of PCSC.

Set Up a Meeting and Get Started
Connect with crew advisor, Ken Li and set up a meeting to share your interests and learn more about everything our crew has to offer, and to get a new crew t-shirt!
To Get Started and stay connected to PCSC:
Check out Program, Calendar and Events pages to start signing up for events
Follow the PCSC Instagram and Facebook accounts
Download the Messenger app
Turn on notifications for both Facebook and Messenger; add the Crew Advisor and PCSC officers as FB friends
Bookmark the Crew Calendar